Turanabol 20


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Turanabol is a powerful high level steroid. The active substance is 4-chlorodehydromethyltestosterone, produced in the form of tablets. The Dragon Pharma company is one of the most popular manufacturers of anabolic steroids. Turanabol or 'Turinabol' is used by a wide range of athletes. The main effect of the drug is expressed in increased performance, power, speed and endurance of the athlete. That is why the drug is popular in athletics, cycling, martial arts and other disciplines where these qualities are important. Also, with the proper intake of medication, you can gain high-quality muscle mass, which makes it popular among bodybuilders.

The active ingredient molecule has the same structure as methandienone, only with the addition of chlorine atoms. Because of this, the substance cannot aromatize into estrogen and has low androgenic activity. Turinabol side effects are correspondingly weaker and, as a rule, Turinabol practically does not harm the body.


• Growth only of dry and hard muscles

• Burning excess fluid from the muscles

• Increased physical strength

• Burning of subcutaneous fat

• A good anti catabolic

• Stimulation of the general health of the organism.

A Turinabol cycle is suitable for athletes of all levels. The drug cannot be aromatized and converted to dihydrotestosterone. The only drawback is its hepatotoxicity, so there are some contraindications. The drug cannot be used by people with liver or kidney failure.


The active ingredient works in the body for about 16 hours, so you need to take the medicine every day to maintain its maximum activity in your blood.

During a Turinabol cycle, you can gain up to 7kg of muscle mass with a very low percentage of water retention. At the same time, the accumulated mass will remain with you. Doses for a beginner are usually 30 to 40 mg a day. However, more experienced athletes can take the dose to 5-7 tablets (100-140 mg) because smaller doses may not affect their body. The cycle is usually 4-5 weeks. Beginners can combine the drug with boldenone at a dose of 400 mg per week or with nandrolone decanoate at a dose of 200 mg per week. Such cycles can give a huge increase in the strength and weight of an athlete. More experienced athletes can use Turinabol together with Trenbolone Enanthate or Trenbolone Acetate. In this case, you can expect good fat burning by gaining clean, dry muscle mass.


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