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Buy Altamofen-10 in Spain

What are Altamofen tablets?

Altamofen tablets, manufactured by Alfa Pharma, contain tamoxifen citrate which blocks the biological effect of the female hormone estrogen on breast cancer. Altamofen tablets are usually given as an oral treatment for the treatment of cancer in men and women who have been diagnosed with breast cancer whose growth and survival depend on the hormone estrogen. Altamofen tablets prevents the growth of breast cancer by interrupting the effects of the hormone estrogen on breast tissue.

Altamofen-10 Cycle Results

In some cases, Tamoxifen Citrate tablets are also used to relieve symptoms of breast pain (mastalgia), because it lowers the blood level of the hormone estrogen that causes breast swelling. Altamofen tablets are also used to treat men who are diagnosed with breast cancer. Women who suffer from anovulatory disorders such as irregular menstrual cycles and the absence of ovulation cycles are also suggested a therapy with Tamoxifen Citrate (Generic Nolvadex tablets). Tamoxifen Citrate Tablets are also used for the treatment of mania in patients with bipolar disorders.

Treatment with Altamofen tablets (Tamoxifen Citrate Tablets) is beneficial as an auxiliary anabolic steroid cycle medicine and as post anabolic steroid cycle recovery or pharmacological treatment.Altamofen tablets use corticosteroids (generic Nolvadex tablets) for the end of a steroid cycle, as anti-aromatase therapy to reduce the amount of estrogen in circulation, decrease water retention and to prevent estrogen gynecomastia (growth of breast tissue in men). Altamofen tablets act as an anti-estrogen, which helps reduce the rate of testosterone from normal, because estrogen levels are high towards the end of a steroid cycle.

Effects of Altamofen-10

Tamoxifen citrate can be used to treat cancer after the patient has undergone primary treatment, such as surgery, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy. Altamofen tablets are used as preventive therapy to reduce the risk of breast cancer in women who have been diagnosed with an increased risk of developing estrogen-dependent breast tumors. Tamoxifen citrate tablets (Altamofen) have been used as a treatment for breast cancer among women for a very long time. Treatment with Altamofen tablets is generally recommended in women of childbearing age and in post-menopausal women.

Generic Nolvadex tablets also help prevent recurrence of breast cancer. Taking Altamofen tablets also reduces the risk of developing breast cancer in the other breast in women who have had breast cancer in the past. In addition, Tamoxifen Citrate Tablets are used to effectively reduce the risk of development and metastasis of breast cancer in women who have a disease called ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) (breast cancer found in the milk ducts , and has not spread to other parts of the body) and have already received surgery for breast cancer, and radiation therapy.


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